Administration officials have not yet informed the United Nations that it will not join in the exhumation of bodies from a mass grave on a farm near Vukovar.
Then, barely two months later and without informing the United Nations, Washington cut a deal with the Haitian military.
He said his Government informed the United Nations of the arrest in early March.
"We informed the United Nations, the European Union, the American administration, Russia, the nonaligned countries, China and Japan," he said.
He said the documents on Chiapas had been sent to New York simply to inform the United Nations.
Earlier today, Belgium informed the United Nations that it planned to withdraw its 400 soldiers from the peacekeeping force "at the earliest possible date."
In 2011, the government informed the United Nations that it will not decriminalise homosexuality.
India informed the United Nations in May, 2009 that it had destroyed its stockpile of chemical weapons in compliance with the international Chemical Weapons Convention.
On May 14, 2009, India informed the United Nations that it has destroyed its stockpile of chemical weapons.
One of the reasons for his detention is his attempt to inform the United Nations of ongoing human rights violations in Burmese prisons.