The data will help inform the Regents' policy decisions, including those involving the requirements for a diploma.
He informed the news media, including Barricada, that this was a false document.
These sites inform drivers as to the real-time availability of off street parking, including information for Structure 3.
It is also a belief that informs everything he ever wrote, including this latest volume of profiles, travel articles and fragments, collected from two decades of work.
They inform public discourse and public policy, including the controversy over ebonics and successful attempts to curtail bilingual education.
And inform the oligarchs of what we are doing and why, including a copy of that recording.
Calculation and planning informed every word and gesture on Friday night, including her supremely non-committal request to "say a silent prayer for my brother Michael."
Pavlik informed on neighbours when they did something wrong, including his own father who left the family for another woman.
Different artistic principles can inform blocking, including minimalism and naturalism.
The Secretariat's services inform me that they are sure that they appear in all languages, including yours and mine.