The Rev. Karen Bloomquist, the church staff member who oversaw the drafting of the document, said the statement would guide the church in its public positions and internal teaching and that it was meant to inform discussion among members.
As part of the OBR work programme we will produce Working Papers on topics which will inform discussion on our forecasts.
The Social Issue A place where you can read and write about people, places and projects making a difference, a place for stories and ideas that inform and spark discussion.
One of the rewarding products of placing language under the microscope is the abolition of many of the categoric certainties that often inform rhetorical discussion of the inner city.
Freud After Derrida - Engaged Freud's work as it continues to inform and provoke research and discussion across the disciplines, and particularly as it opens through and "after Derrida."
In such cases they were keen not only to support the members in offering advice but also expressed the hope that training would serve to raise awareness of school issues, in order to inform discussion and help the headteacher in decision-making.
To recommend a model of the English language, whether spoken or written, which would:(i) serve as the basis of how teachers are trained to understand how the English language works;(ii) inform professional discussion of all aspects of English teaching.
The 12-minute documentary, filmed in Kenya, is intended to inform and provoke discussion of harmful gender and societal norms that put women and couples at risk for HIV.
Worsel next called Kinnison, informing him of their findings and discussion, most of which he had already picked up, and the action they were forced to take.
Particular cultural and ethnic essentialisms, in other words, look set to structure public debate in the future despite attempts by activists and researchers to press for more sociologically informed discussion.