The new queen soon made short short shrift of the influential nobles at court.
His life is recorded in the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia; even though no other sources mention his name, he is considered to be one of the most influential pre-Mindaugas Lithuanian nobles.
The Han government continually strove to provide economic aid to poor farmers, who had to compete with powerful and influential nobles, landowners, and merchants.
He was one of the most powerful and influential nobles of Galicia, like most members of the House of Castro.
At the same time, powerful and influential nobles started to be buried with the royal family; the most famous of these tombs is the joint tomb of Yuya and Tjuyu, KV46.
In July 1566, several influential nobles met near Stockholm.
To Crown all, he was extremely fortunate in gaining the favour of certain influential nobles of the day.
However the temple lands all lay to the south of Trivandrum where there were other influential nobles, whereas the bulk of the Pillamar lived to the north.
The most influential nobles fortified themselves at the castle near Gandia, while the Germanies took over the other cities of the Kingdom of Valencia.
By inheritance, he was Count of Arles and Vienne, which made him one of the most important and influential nobles in the Kingdom of Provence.