Tawaifs were the influential female elite, were largely a North Indian institution that became prominent during the weakening of the Mughal rule in the mid-18th century.
He said those selected to come would be people "in good jobs, earning good salaries" and denied that the proposal was for "the wealthy and influential elite."
In political systems where this is not the case, unpopular régimes survive because they are considered legitimate by a small, influential élite.
During this period, a small but influential French-speaking indigenous elite was formed, made up of Berbers mostly from Kabyles.
The French were also interested in ensuring that the small but influential elite was sufficiently satisfied with the status quo to refrain from any anti-French sentiment.
And the alien and sedition laws seemed so extreme that influential elites - including Hamilton - turned against them.
Teachers, often the most influential elites in rural communities, can either be roped in as allies or eliminated as enemies.
During the Ming dynasty, Zhuangs grew up tp become an influential local elite sympathizing with the Donglin movement (however not recorded as its direct participants).
Their agenda is explicitly aimed at independents, professionals, young middle-class whites and "the newly wealthy and influential elites of the technology sector."
Secondly, and related to this, opponents of the silent majority are seen as being a small, but fairly influential and vociferous elite.