Such conflicts may be avoided if the physician is careful not to let gifts influence treatment.
In some cases, they have helped shape the response to the epidemic, influencing attitudes, politics, policy and treatment.
Therefore, if self monitoring of blood glucose concentrations does not influence either treatment or glycaemic control its value is limited in non-insulin treated diabetes.
It turns out that the answers to that 19th-century question will undoubtedly influence our understanding, and treatment, of anxiety disorders in the 21st century.
Factors influencing its incidence and treatment.
"You'd have to use a blindfold to keep a physician from paying attention to obvious differences that may and should influence diagnosis and treatment!"
Parenteral antibiotics are costly and the cost of drugs is a major factor influencing treatment in a poor country like Nepal.
He was chairman or a member of the steering committee of many large-scale international drug trials that have influenced treatment of cardiovascular disease.
The World Wars significantly influenced society's view and treatment of individuals with disabilities.
The extent of extracranial disease can influence subsequent treatment of the brain lesions.