The members of this group are likely to influence the person's beliefs and behaviour.
Protestantism much influenced the culture, beliefs, and economy of the place it became important in.
Anne shared a room with her, they were close which may have influenced Anne's personality and religious beliefs.
Which no doubt influenced their beliefs that tanks could not operate in those jungles.
The authors conclude that conspiracy theories may therefore have a 'hidden power' to influence people's beliefs.
The media is responsible for influencing beliefs regarding ideas of beauty in the African American community.
She studied in Syria, learning Western and modern values there, which would influence her future actions and beliefs.
Inaccurate theories People have created cultural theories and had experiences that greatly influence beliefs of how an event will affect us.
The resulting umbrella stance on gun control brought in libertarian minded voters, influencing other beliefs.
Stewart grew up in a poor household rife with domestic violence from his father, an experience which influenced his later political and ideological beliefs.