This study still influences educational leaders today and stands as one of the few truly quantitative, large-scale educational studies.
His writing influenced leaders of the nascent prosperity movement during the post-war American healing revival.
Henry Knox observed that the uprising in Massachusetts clearly influenced local leaders who had previously opposed a strong federal government.
Because the review was commissioned by Congress, the recommendations are expected to influence Congressional leaders and President Clinton.
To Victor, every social occasion was primarily an opportunity to influence political and cultural leaders, discreetly advancing his agenda.
He was a great physician, educationist and social reformer, who influenced great leaders of his time.
It influenced leaders in Massachusetts who were agitating the establishment of schools for the training of better teachers.
Another aspect of influence that the religious leaders have is the material means to influence local leaders and politicians.
Deistic ideas influenced several leaders of the American and French Revolutions.
"If we had insiders with the authority to influence leaders, maybe the process would not be as ugly as we have seen."