The influence of Sampot Chang Kben, known as Dhoti in India, were strongly sacked into Khmer culture from the ancient times to today.
Lazio also had a considerable Brazilian influence in their early Serie A years, known as Brasilazio.
The best known cultural influence known outside of Ecuador is a distinctive kind of marimba music.
Heirens was subjected to an interrogation under the influence of sodium pentothal, popularly known as "truth serum."
He built his playing on the biggest influence on jazz between 1945 and 1960, the alto saxophonist Charlie Parker, also known as Bird.
The proto-historical powers, the Minoans and then the Mycenaeans, made their influence known there.
The only influence known to us which could account for the continuous change in the plane of the meteor's orbit arises from the attraction of the various planets.
Austrian stamps of the 1920s showed influence of the Jugendstil or Art Nouveau style, but the new style made its influence known as the decade progressed.
Still, while the Colombians may be most numerous in the area, other, and in many cases, newer, Hispanic immigrant groups are making their influence known.
The way the fictional criminal investigators and forensic anthropologists utilize forensics and facial reconstructions are, however, often misrepresented (an influence known as the "CSI effect").