How dared some people inflict such horror on others!
How much worse would it have been for the Libyan people if Ghaddafi had not been killed, if he had escaped into the vast sands of North Africa perhaps to inflict even more horror, anguish and terror on the people.
The force of events had already inflicted enough horror to drive us mad.
Neither would his personal hope of trust or faith that Klingon honor would put his people above inflicting such unfathomable horror on other Klingons.
During the fall of Troy, Enyo inflicted horror and bloodshed in the war, along with Eris, and Phobos ("Fear") and Deimos ("Dread"), the two sons of Ares.
That they should arrive wholly unprepared for the rigours ahead - that was folly enough; that they should inflict such horror on their wives and offspring passed all understanding.
Which, David had acidly remarked, was why Iron pants refused to mate, unwilling to inflict such horror on a child from her womb.
It is natural now to wonder how some people can do terrible things, how we can stay strong when something terrible could happen to us at any moment, whether it is right to inflict horror on other people because it has been inflicted on us.
Frightening, a sadistic illustrator of children's books inflicting subtle horror on his readers; they wanted to slam the book shut, throw it away, but instead they were forced to stare at it, and during the nocturnal hours it would return to haunt their dreams, so much more real.
Many Israelis, the Holocaust fresh in their memory, believe that that horror gives them the right to inflict horror on others.