That has been changing as a result of Brazil's sometimes inflationary economy and high unemployment, which has been hovering near 10 percent.
Many historically inflationary economies have experienced declining rates of inflation in recent years.
But the farm seizures and rights violations have discouraged foreign investment, which has in turn worsened an inflationary economy.
But in Luanda's inflationary economy, a pair of pants can cost as much as $500 and shoes $650.
But this strategy could run into difficulty in an inflationary economy, when the value of all debts diminishes day after day.
Just like the ratcheting cruelties of reality television, it is an inflationary economy.
Struggling under stagflation and an inflationary economy, all the domestic subcompact cars sales slumped compared to the industry's record breaking 1973 model year.
However, the committee was concerned about the effects on business of the high rates of interest which occur in an inflationary economy.
Rents are going up, as are other prices in what is now an inflationary economy.
That would hold out to foreign-exchange traders the hope of another increase in interest rates to once again try to slow a potentially inflationary economy.