The Skylab program cost $2.2 billion from 1966 to 1974, or $10 billion in 2010 inflation-adjusted dollars.
Near the high end of the scale, those with college degrees earned $1,076 a week in inflation-adjusted dollars in 1970.
Spending on aid has dropped by more than 50 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars since 1985.
He found that $15,000 in inflation-adjusted dollars was spent on each child, while the savings to schools, welfare, prisons and potential crime victims exceeded $145,000.
The per capita income (in 2006 inflation-adjusted dollars) is $17,187.
He argued that most low-income workers make less today in inflation-adjusted dollars than they did in the 1970's.
Over the next 75 years, the real deficit is projected to be about $21 trillion, in inflation-adjusted dollars.
Between 1980 and 1985 the rate of annual growth for industrial research was 6.9 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars, the report said.
For example, the amount of inflation-adjusted dollars that Americans spend on recreational activities has more than tripled since 1970.
During the same period, Inland says it reduced its production cost to $420 a ton from $596, in inflation-adjusted dollars.