Second, both stagflation and inflation can result from inappropriate macroeconomic policies.
Financial issues benefited from the perception that low inflation will result in falling interest rates, encouraging corporations and consumers to increase their borrowing.
This inflation resulted from the toll childbirth took on women, and the increased risk of infection following labor.
If the substitution rate is too generous, there will be too much money and inflation will result.
The disastrous inflation of 1923 and 1924 resulted in additional high losses.
The question of whether inflation would result from demand management was not seriously tackled.
The inflation of production statistics, on the theory that accuracy mattered less than political effect, resulted in extravagant claims.
If the bank loses some of its assets, then inflation will result.
This theory pointed to the dangers of getting unemployment too low, because accelerating inflation can result.
Low inflation has resulted in increased consumer confidence.