And right now inflation jitters are running through it.
Despite inflation jitters in the stock and bond markets, gold has not yet responded to these fears.
However, in the first falf of 1988, as inflation jitters eased, these funds showed a negative return of 17.8 percent.
The figures bolstered the bond market where yields had been steadily rising on inflation jitters.
In early 1988, however, the inflation jitters seemed to vanish and many investors took profits in precious metals stocks.
Investors shrugged off inflation jitters and began buying stocks in earnest yesterday, pushing up all major market indicators.
A series of economic reports last week calmed some investor's inflation jitters but left others wondering whether the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates again.
Yesterday, a decline in commodity markets helped to calm some of the inflation jitters.
Higher gold prices often reflect inflation jitters, and gold's rise yesterday served as an excuse for some credit market investors to sell.
For more than a month, the market has been troubled by inflation jitters and higher interest rates.