Chicago's Thanksgiving Parade is the city's only event that features inflatable balloons every year.
It is an inflatable balloon that is supposed to evaporate seawater.
In 1863 Bauer managed to raise a sunken ship by means of inflatable balloons made of canvas.
The idea was to isolate the breach, then plug the pipeline with inflatable balloons called stopples.
Rover was depicted as a large white inflatable balloon, not quite fully inflated, with a flexible skin.
The coil consists of a probe with an inflatable balloon which helps maintain appropriate positioning.
The device consists of a flexible plastic tube containing several internal channels and two inflatable balloons.
An angioplasty uses an inflatable balloon to compress fatty substances blocking the artery.
When he turns his head away from the television, the screen shows an oversized inflatable balloon of Bart Simpson floating past.
In some cases, this may be accomplished by the implantation of inflatable balloons under the skin (see figure).