He lay back in his infirmary bed, as if incredibly weary.
She smiled at him, and across the infirmary bed at his brother, who was always present when she visited.
The 198 infirmary beds on Rikers Island should be expanded to 760 in five years.
Thabo Nyangiwe was not supposed to end up here, stretched out on an infirmary bed, with a pain that has scarred more than his body.
Spinello hopped down from the infirmary bed on which he'd been sitting and glared at the physician.
Ignoring the pain, Leto pulled himself to a sitting position on the infirmary bed.
Bracknell was bending over his infirmary bed to hear him better.
"At first I thought they wanted me to give them evidence against my brother," he whispered painfully to Bracknell from his infirmary bed.
Bracknell found himself lying on an infirmary bed, safe and warm, with a crisp sheet over his naked body.
When he finally swam back out of his agony-filled stupor, he found himself in an infirmary bed.