Cavalieri's work was not well respected since his methods could lead to erroneous results, and the infinitesimal quantities he introduced were disreputable at first.
The whole plant is a traditional remedy for an acidic stomach, and the fresh root is often used in infinitesimal quantities in homeopathic preparations.
Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) systematized the knowledge into a calculus for infinitesimal quantities and introduced the notation used today.
But, if a be an infinitesimal quantity, a must be infinitely smaller and therefore may be neglected when compared with the quantities 2ay and pe.
The system of hyperreal numbers is a way of treating the infinite and infinitesimal quantities.
This allows the room to exhaust air that contains infinitesimal quantities of radioactivity and contaminants.
The factor involving ε is an infinitesimal quantity which is there to make sure that integrals over K are well defined.
Following the work of Weierstrass, it eventually became common to base calculus on limits instead of infinitesimal quantities.
Three hundred years after Leibniz's work, Abraham Robinson showed that using infinitesimal quantities in calculus could be given a solid foundation.
He developed the Levi-Civita field, a system of numbers that includes infinitesimal quantities.