Illegal drugs are an infinitesimal portion of goods entering this country, easy to conceal.
Only an infinitesimal portion; scarcely worth mentioning in such connection.
Then, as the spot did not reappear, they would go on with their beams to cover another infinitesimal portion of the sky.
Gillian glimpsed a bloodsoaked face and sightless eyes and he knew that some infinitesimal portion of Reemul's interlace still functioned.
But as I said, a mammalian system can tolerate the corruption of only an infinitesimal portion of its cells.
That would only save them an infinitesimal portion of what they were losing.
He said that spending on sports, about $20 million a year, was an "infinitesimal" portion of the university's $1 billion budget.
But he added that gun volume was "only an infinitesimal" portion of sales.
Gilain argued that the infinitesimal portions of the book were likely a late insertion.
An infinitesimal portion of these revenues could be deflected to support public television.