Even the infinite reaches of outer space had never succeeded in dwindling him.
My capacity for mental activity of all kinds is as boundless as the infinite reaches of space itself.
High up in the bridge of the ship, the Captain stared out into the infinite reaches of space with mild irritation.
Through the infinite reaches of space, the problems of man seem trivial and naïve indeed.
The future was painted on a canvas of infinite reach; it entailed too many connections and joinings.
The Gold Rush towns, 200 miles away from San Jose and the center of the dot-com universe, are witnessing firsthand the infinite reach of the new technology.
It was one thing to live in a closet, out there in the infinite reaches of space--and quite another to dwell in even the most sumptuous planetbound palace.
He enjoyed the quiet, but the weightlessness was making him queasy, and he felt impotently small floating alone amid the infinite reach of the universe.
"God's mercy has an infinite reach," said the Bishop.