Not smooth like a sculpture, but drawn with infinite precision, more like a veridical reproduction on a massive scale than simply a huge portrait.
Ideally, the calculations should have been performed with the infinite precision.
Needless to say, omniscient observers are imaginary creations, and infinite precision exceeds the capacities of human measurement.
Inside the female bean aphid's body is an extremely delicate 'clock' that works as a mathematical time-memory of infinite precision.
All he needed was the nerve, and infinite, infinite precision.
Instead ..." He twiddled with controls and adjusted the focus of the laser with infinite precision.
Another interesting issue is that measuring two minutes exactly is a supertask in the sense that it requires measuring time with infinite precision.
Once in really clear space, the skipper would aim the ship with infinite precision and turn over the controls to the astrogation unit.
The microcomputer in the heart of the machine ran everything with infinite precision.
"They are mages," he said with infinite precision.