She gave him a smile laced with infinite mystery.
Though not enrolled in any denomination, he brooded over the infinite mystery of the Almighty.
As he boarded in Genoa the "Asia", a ship bound for South East Asia, he felt the world opening its infinite golden mysteries to him.
She knew only relief- her flesh-pains would soon end, her dance with Hasmal would continue through eternity, and she and he, soulmates reunited, would move beyond this greeting place to the infinite mysteries beyond.
'There is the infinite mystery of love.'
Lindsay accepts and is transformed into a bodiless form, to explore the infinite mysteries of the universe for eternity.
"The universe is filled with infinite mysteries," chimed in Acbed of Alphard.
So différance is either an appeal to an infinite mystery (similar to God in theology) or becomes empty of any and all meaning and is thus rendered superfluous.
Reviewing the Paris photos in The Times, Colin MacInnes wrote: "Mr Deakin sees one side of Alice's looking glass and the infinite mysteries that lie behind it.
The myriad complex colour that he introduces in prints are marked by a contemplative approach to the infinite mysteries of nature.