By infinite gradations, a huge circular door seemed to open in its bottom; and from the opening there issued a cranelike arm, of the same black material as the vessel.
The old-fashioned dial, with infinite gradations, allowed the user to turn to the exact volume desired.
But even barring complete Israeli-Palestinian separation, there are almost infinite gradations of integration.
The infinite gradations of red - from near-pinks to borderline purples - have the potential to flatter everyone.
They offered infinite gradations of volume, from richly resonant fortissimo to whispered pianissimo.
His invention in 1866 of feed-disks for lathes or other machine tools was the first practical solution of the problem of the infinite gradation of feeds.
Within the songs' austere confines, she finds infinite gradations between exaltation and despair.
This ghost of a sound increased: it passed through infinite gradations of rarity.
She is among the most English of English writers, a ruthless student of her country's class system, with its infinite gradations of accent, style and moral inflection.
I am evil with infinite gradations and without guilt.'