By infinite degrees too much for man.
The shadow of the intruder was slowly taking shape as the door was inched wider by infinite degrees.
You remember how massive the security was on that place, how it was overkill to the infinite degree.
I would fain keep sober always; and there are infinite degrees of drunkenness.
By infinite degrees, the walls became perfectly transparent, together with the machinery, and he realized that the light was coming from a world without.
If it did, we should be constantly and infinitely miserable; there being infinite degrees of happiness which are not in our possession.
His face was changing again as he brought his head back by infinite degrees, and I noted this.
Then the maximal unramified 2-extension of "K" has infinite degree.
The wound was closing by infinite degrees; the body had set up the automatic process of healing itself.
Because such fields can in principle take on distinct values at each point in space, they are said to have infinite degrees of freedom.