Absolute Spirit will then be the complete expression of an infinite God.
But on his basal hypothesis of an infinite God, infinite space, time, and so on, no other conclusion is possible.
An infinite God is nowhere and everywhere at the same time.
Rather than being an autonomous agent, man, they assert, is under the control of an infinite God.
But seriously, "Babel" poses such questions as "How high would you have to be to meet an infinite God?"
Finite in number, the limited material world they make up is not all there is, for, besides an infinite God, we have immaterial souls.
So too Torah is considered infinite; one can always see more and more revealing an infinite God.
An infinite and changing God is inconceivable; indeed it is a contradiction in definition.
We don't understand how we finite beings can say or pray anything that affects what an infinite God wants to do, but we trust you.
Then you should have no problem with an infinite God.