These may include infill sites or sites with low density development, which are suitable for redevelopment.
Built on an infill site, the total structure might violate height limits.
A key to entry in nearly all cases has been the developers' willingness to rebuild existing structures or work with small infill sites like parking lots.
By putting these barren infill sites to use, land recycling revitalizes our communities, promotes sustainable development, and preserves precious resources.
Because idled and underused infill sites are often located in distressed urban areas concerns arise about crime, safety, and access to quality education and services.
These and other market factors frequently pull development to open land near traditionally desirable communities and away from urban infill sites.
The potentially complex process of successfully redeveloping an infill site, particularly a brownfield, can challenge land recycling interest and proposals.
Rumours of its future use as an infill site were current at the time.
Also, with only a few scattered infill sites available for new construction, there is a relatively fixed supply of these properties.
In recent years the area has seen new construction work on infill sites, and some residential development of brownfield sites more generally.