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As a neutral ship, Louisville traveled the U-boat infested waters with her American flag spotlighted.
Many of those connected with the program commented in jest "That the Caribbean was full of 'Snark infested waters'."
Pirates of the Caribbean, meanwhile, has you mimicking the strokes of rowing a boat through filthy pirate infested waters.
According to the press release, it is "a large island off a newly discovered continent surrounded by deep creature infested waters.
Why wasn't it at sea, bringing its great guns to bear for the protection of these threatened convoys in the submarine infested waters to the west?
And while schistosomiasis can still be cured with the drug praziquantel, re-infection is a common problem for those who bathe or wash clothes in infested waters.
Studies have found that the microbe can cause skin irritations, respiratory problems, memory loss and learning impairments in humans who are exposed to infested waters.
Into the shark infested waters.
She was really out of her depth now and in shark infested waters.