It was never infertile land and will not be.
This gets deposited on the surrounding land, thereby making the land infertile.
This, combined with a period of drought, led to the water table in the valley to drop severely, making the land infertile.
Each family would typically have their own set of fields and a family graveyard, placed on infertile lands.
Such a crushing obligation on a relatively barren and infertile land resulted in bitter poverty.
"Even to building the town on infertile land."
Lack of resources, poor communications, and infertile land are some of the reasons for underdevelopment in the region.
The whole country is benefiting from this region, which was once full of forests and hills, which seemed like infertile land.
Modern agricultural methods have rendered much of the arable land infertile.
They survive on a small plot of infertile land.