For years, whites were equally barred from attending black Tennessee State, which suffered inferior treatment by the state.
Her inability to differentiate in the poem is probably due to the subjugation of inferior treatment that she has experienced.
Overall, African Americans tend to have more trouble finding consistent, good-quality health care which amounts to fewer breast cancer screenings and inferior treatment when they are diagnosed.
Another version minimizes resources wasted on any inferior, more expensive, treatment.
Besides creating a rift between Islamic and Western societies, this inferior treatment led to the creation of a major obstacle for the women's rights movement.
Some argue that due to this inferior treatment, the females fail to understand their rights.
Many other handicapped people, the critics add, receive inferior treatment once they do reach the offices.
In addition to saving time and resources, such a design feature can reduce study participants' exposure to the inferior treatment.
Eventually, Francis herself became dissatisfied with these vehicles and began openly to feud with her employers, even threatening a lawsuit against them for inferior treatment.
"Any inferior treatment of the minority tester was assumed to be based on racial or ethnic discrimination," the group said.