Wash hands with soap and water to prevent spreading potentially infectious material to face or skin.
Further, they can provide a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials away from the body.
He added that it was essential to the scientific process to be able to transfer infectious materials between laboratories.
Since the most infectious material is to be found in the brains of cows, consumers could simply avoid them.
The rules would affect 5.3 million workers at 620,000 sites who have frequent contact with potentially infectious materials, the department said.
Their design, construction, and engineering controls safeguard against the release of any infectious material.
Potentially infectious materials and areas where they are handled or stored would have to be clearly labeled.
The vaccine does not contain any infectious material from the influenza virus.
When doused with infectious material, the player becomes a zombie.
On the downside, contact with infectious material as a zombie is deadly.