Other times, a viral infection such as cold or flu can trigger asthma attack symptoms.
If you already have MS, a viral infection (such as the flu) may trigger a relapse.
Just how the infection triggers early birth is unclear.
In someone who already has MS, a viral infection such as the flu can trigger a relapse.
This infection triggered the most extensive food recall ever in United States history.
Allergies, viral infections, or air pollution often trigger asthma symptoms.
Compounding the situation, medication the eight-year veteran took for the infection had triggered an allergic reaction.
Acute severe infection, such as pneumonia, can trigger myocardial infarction.
Usually in these cases, the infection triggers an abnormal response in the person's immune system, damaging the blood vessels.
Some researchers believe an infection with a bacteria or virus can trigger the development of rheumatoid arthritis in someone who's genetically susceptible.