It has superantigenic properties which destroy part of the immune system of the infected mouse.
This allows infected mice to maintain the same capacity for glucose uptake and body size as uninfected mice.
He halted a rabies epidemic that killed small children who played with infected mice, and he helped stop the spread of cholera in Japan.
When the scientists treated infected mice with antibodies specific to the virus, the infection cleared, they reported.
PD-L1 blockade (using blocking antibodies) resulted in increased mortality for infected mice.
Histological findings in persistently infected mice often show chronic glomerulonephritis.
The screeners were dutifully poisoning infected mice with whatever came in hand or off the shelf.
Similarly, infected mice show alterations in patterns of locomotion and exploratory behavior during experimental tests.
The researchers then ground up the brains of the infected mice and used them to infect healthy mice.
That prediction was based on a small sample of infected mice captured in Greenwich and Fairfield.