All of Gene Johnson's infected monkeys died no matter what drugs they were given.
She was further persuaded last spring, she said, when researchers infected monkeys by injecting extract of mad cow brains.
Within a week after the infected monkeys were given CD-4, Dr. Letvin and his colleagues could no longer isolate the virus from their cells.
In 1995 the inspectors seized videotapes of Iraqi anthrax and botulism tests showing infected monkeys, dogs and other mammals dying in agony.
Monkeys that were caged with each of the intratracheally infected monkeys developed a mild rash 2 weeks later, hence providing evidence of airborne transmission.
A different strain of Ebola reached Reston, Va., in 1989 through a batch of infected monkeys.
Four San Diego Zoo employees tested positive for tuberculosis after they were exposed to infected monkeys.
Two possible modes of transmission to humans have been proposed: either from an infected monkey to a human or from an infected human to another human.
It is an infectious disorder contracted chiefly by laboratory workers exposed to infected monkeys and/or simian tissue cultures.
He is killed by infected monkeys.