He therefore tried to infect sores on his leg.
"How do you know he didn't infect you on purpose?"
For example, there is no universal parasite which infects all host species and microhabitats within or on them.
It doesn't infect applications on disk, but rather when they are loaded, by using a system facility called "apphook".
The virus, therefore, could infect the lungs on contact.
Five years prior to the series, a massive explosion released high concentrations of nanites into the atmosphere, infecting almost every living thing on Earth.
The flu virus droplets can also infect by landing on sensitive body areas such as the eyes, nose, or mouth.
In addition, the worm infects other machines on the network, hitting even people who haven't recently used their E-mail.
It will only infect sites on the server that it has passwords to.
The virus apparently infects all life forms on earth.