West Nile virus, discovered 65 year ago in Uganda, can infect people, horses and birds.
Moreover, Nipah can infect dogs, cats and horses, which may also be able to infect people.
The fungus has a major natural reservoir in rodents, but can also infect pet rabbits, dogs and horses.
There is also at least one virus in this genus that infects horses.
It can also infect wild birds, domestic ruminants, dogs, cats and horses.
The virus, which mainly infects birds, horses and people, has already begun to show itself.
It is a very important concept, because horses can still infect other horses after they have gotten over their own illness.
Besides humans, it may infect rodents, dogs, cats, horses, cattle, and swine.
The only species that was able to infect horses was the cat (Felix spp.)
It has infected horses in 26 countries: