There are disparate sounds and images - an infant undergoing eye surgery, a woman giving birth, silhouettes of men emerging from blackness into blinding light, a man and a woman moving haltingly through a nocturnal landscape - in a darkened gallery covered in veils.
In addition, infants undergo neuroimaging studies once the infant has neurological findings suggestive of cerebral palsy.
To look more closely at this issue, Saffran and colleagues conducted another study in which infants underwent the same training with the artificial grammar but then were presented with either words or part-words rather than words or nonwords.
Born at term from an uneventful pregnancy and delivery, the infant underwent a surgical repair of a cleft lip and palate.
Although three infants underwent tumor progression, all survived.
Currently, infants undergo either the staged reconstructive surgery (Norwood or Sano procedure within a few days of birth, Glenn or Hemi-Fontan procedure at 3 to 6 months of age, and the Fontan procedure at 1 1/2 to 5 years of age) or cardiac transplantation.
In newborns and infants undergoing major surgery, Voluven was as safe and effective as an equivalent volume of another expander containing albumin, a protein found in the blood.
Dr. Thomas Frieden, the Health Commissioner of New York City, wrote, "There exists no reasonable doubt that 'metzitzah b'peh' can and has caused neonatal herpes infection....The Health Department recommends that infants being circumcised not undergo metzitzah b'peh."
Of the first 15 cases investigated, eight infants underwent surgery to repair the bowel.