As a result, many an infant may experience a shrieking mother rushing into the nursery and yelling at the cat to leave the room.
The Gardners tried to make Washoe's environment as similar as possible to what a human infant with deaf parents would experience.
Secondly, infants experience a regular association between their own acts and their own underlying mental states.
Affected infants often experience delays in reaching developmental milestones.
Affected infants may experience delays in acquiring motor milestones such as crawling or walking.
Some infants and young children who drink water containing chlorite in excess of the MCL could experience nervous system effects.
Many blond, strawberry blond, light brown, or red haired infants experience this.
It may be impossible to know when a pre-verbal infant is a "pure model" of embodied cognition, since infants experience dramatic changes in social behavior throughout development.
But others say that while this may be true at birth, once premature infants experience certain complications, their odds of leading normal lives become smaller and smaller.
Newborn babies, infants, and young children experience a greater (net) heat loss than adults because they cannot shiver to maintain body heat.