An investigation into the handling of the infant burials was opened in response to a criminal complaint made to the New York State Attorney General's Office on April 1, 2009.
These were found to be of three distinct types, cist burials, pit graves and infant burials in storage jars.
The site also contains five ossuaries, plus an infant burial and additional remains collected from the surface.
He refused to baptize an infant born too sick to live above an hour, then refused the infant burial in blessed ground because it was not baptized.
Lastly in the southern suburb several infant burials were found alongside the timber predecessor of the stone barn (p. 84).
The prehistoric findings at the site include an infant burial, storage pits, and sherds.
She then discusses the role of amulets in infant burials before moving on to look at those included in the burials of adult women.
The excavation shows the arrangement of earlier structures, including numerous infant burials.
It was in 452, a year or two after the infant burials, that Attila, marching toward Rome, suddenly decided against entering the city.
Claire Yaffa, a Social Realist photographer in black and white, focuses on infant burials in Potter's Field.