The guy had been tearing himself apart from the inside out for ten years over the murder of his infant brother.
Diana also had an infant brother, John, who died only a year before she was born.
Later on, her stepfather moves in and she soon shared her home with an infant brother.
Pearl was upstairs in the new nursery, intrigued and fascinated with her two infant brothers.
Kennedy had an older sister, Caroline, and an infant brother, Patrick, who died two days after his birth in 1963.
In 1968, the agency began accepting the infant brothers of girls already in care at the home.
The patient finally admits to killing her infant brother.
Even the children's infant brother, the Lamb, is the victim of two wishes gone awry.
Joshua was treated with his infant brother's cord blood in August, and has been declared free of leukemia.
A 9-year-old boy accidentally shot to death his infant brother today with a pistol he found in the house, the police said.