He has dropped all overt hints of anti-Semitism, like defenses of "France's Christian civilization," or his infamous remark that the gas chambers were "only a detail of history."
This defeat followed Babs Keating's infamous remark about Cork that "donkeys don't win derbies".
And the infamous Nixon "kick around" remark, which many thought would end his career, didn't keep him from winning the presidency.
Karroubi has been a critic of President Ahmadinejad's foreign policy and his infamous remarks about the Holocaust.
To the Editor: The problem with Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa's now infamous remark that Americans lack a work ethic is that he never said it.
In this same letter Hawthorne made his infamous remark, "America is now wholly given over to a d-d mob of scribbling women".
During his tenure as the Governor of Bencoolen, Collett is believed to have made the infamous remark on the rajas of Indonesia:
For Rozanne L. Ridgway, the infamous remark two years ago by Donald T. Regan, then White House chief of staff, still rankles.
He had just made his infamous remark about the Beatles being more popular than Christ and the world was in uproar about it - cranky letters and warnings arrived by every post.
Let us begin with Zinsmeister's infamous remark that the people of Washington are "morally repugnant, cheating, shifty human beings," a declaration he later clarified to encompass only the city's "overclass."