In the anime series One Piece there is a character by the name of Trafalgar Law, an infamous pirate and surgeon.
Perhaps, he thought, there had been an attempted raid from space by the ships of that infamous pirate, the Agandar, which had now been beaten off.
At first Venetian merchants were willing to pay an annual tribute to keep their shipping safe from the infamous Neretvian pirates of the Dalmatian coast.
In 1818, Argentina was at war with Spain and had hired these infamous pirates to attack Spanish towns and ships.
This includes several articles offering an objective and through examination of the activities of the infamous Somali pirates.
Liliana was an infamous pirate who laid waste to the Continent's coastal waters.
Historians point out that it was actually built in the late 18th century, long after the infamous pirate had been killed.
The most infamous pirates in Somalia operated out of Harardhere and Hobyo, and so these towns were targeted for the anti-piracy campaign.
Somalia's infamous pirates were also on the back foot, with kidnappings at sea down two-thirds by the end of the year compared to the same time in 2010.
Beneath the swashbuckling veneer, Drake was naught but a notorious pirate, a criminal of England, infamous for his despicable deeds against her family.