In 2011, Cantona admitted that the infamous attack on the Crystal Palace supporter was "a great feeling" and a memory he is happy for fans to treasure.
The incident has become one of the most infamous and, by some estimates, deadly terrorist attacks in history.
Filmed interviews with American and Japanese historians outline the lead up to the infamous attack on December 7, 1941.
Peter Gusenberg participated in an infamous attack on Al Capone during a vicious gang war.
On the fifth anniversary of his terror network's most infamous attacks, al-Zawahiri appears in a video carried by al-Jazeera.
Finally that infamous attack on the Supreme Court on November 28, 1997 took place.
In 1956, he took part in the now infamous attack on five missionaries during Operation Auca.
This infamous attack, which in planning and execution remains brilliant, sealed the fate for the Japanese which culminated at Hiroshima.
Stalin made his infamous attack on Soviet artists.
He is destroyed by Spielban soon afterwards, with Spielban using his infamous finishing attack.