The Charter differed from that of 1215 in only having 42 as compared to 61 clauses; most notably the infamous article 61 of the Runnymede Charter was removed.
Father Natário - A dogmatic priest who finds out that João Eduardo is responsible for the infamous article.
In addition to the "slang review" of The Sheik, Dorgan wrote and illustrated a particularly infamous article on Rudolph Valentino.
In an editorial in the October issue of Pediatrics, Dr. Lucey wrote, "This month marks the 25th anniversary of the now infamous article by Dr. Steinschneider.
He had occasionally wondered if that infamous article had influenced his posting on Voyager.
If can be of any help go and find an infamous article he wrote for Life magazine about Mae West.
One particularly infamous article within The Encyclopædia of Ball Juggling is that of Dancey's Devilment, a trick named eponymously by the author which he describes as "a mythical pattern of brain-bending proportions.
Under one infamous article of the 1804 Napoleonic Code, "The husband owes protection to his wife, the wife obedience to her husband."
But, by design or coincidence, not a word about that infamous article was mentioned.
How can the WEU be fully integrated into the EU and what will then happen with the infamous article 5?