He rode the man's back as the man rode the woman, and all three were bound in chains of inexpressible pleasure.
Oh, the inexpressible pleasure of pressing those cool, sweet fruits to our lips, and eating grapes by mouthfuls off the rich, full bunches!
It was full of solicitude, and a kind of secret gratitude, as if to thank her for some inexpressible pleasure of the heart.
Still the sounds drew near: The light grew stronger: At length with inexpressible pleasure I heard the Key turning in the Lock.
For the first time she truly understood how their bodies could merge . . . and the inexpressible pleasure such a joining would bring.
It gave me an inexpressible pleasure when, as her eyes rested on me, there grew a faint blush over the grey pallor of her cheeks.
Disgustedly, The Editors The Japanese Most respected author: We have read your work with inexpressible pleasure.
If this journey had taken place during my days of study and happiness, it would have afforded me inexpressible pleasure.
Neglecting the frivolous grandeurs of the world and feeling the inexpressible pleasures that scientific research communicates, they comply with this situation and accept it without constraint.
I felt almost inclined to faint with the inexpressible pleasure I felt, when all of a sudden I heard, "Lizzie!