The fear that Iran had intervened appeared to drive Mr. Barzani to an otherwise inexplicable decision.
Every inexplicable decision, every wink-wink judgment, every inflated grade for a favorite brought about the goofy little revolution now under way in figure skating.
Prime Minister Li Peng and his col-leagues cannot evade the responsibility that goes with that inexplicable decision.
Shannon made the inexplicable decision to substitute the most effective man on the pitch, Fred Pickering.
So it was an inexplicable decision for a DA to take, to send us down here.
This was a bad, expensive and inexplicable decision.
This seemingly inexplicable decision has been the subject of speculation in Japan and the United States ever since.
The result is a trend toward random, arbitrary, inexplicable decisions.
And he has made some inexplicable dramatic decisions.
Juventus often seemed to get one extra break a match - a dubious offside call, a phantom foul, an inexplicable out-of-bounds decision.