Inexperienced Inspectors Mr. Steinbach said that with so many buildings affected and inexperienced volunteers doing some of the work on the basis of only short orientations, the process is bound to be faulty.
Still, Mr. Sheekey takes press pampering very seriously, at least in the context of the convention, and so this will not be some service desk with inexperienced volunteers trying to serve as concierges.
The seasoned troops of Franco's Army of Africa assaulted positions held by the inexperienced volunteers of the International Brigades, in particular the British and the Dimitrov battalions.
Moreover, when the buses arrived, they were not wheelchair accessible, and the wheelchair athletes who would race had to be carried onto the buses by inexperienced volunteers.
McDonnell hesitated, torn between advancing with further losses or retreating, watching as the inexperienced volunteer recruits from the Wellington Rangers and Rifles either bunched together and froze or panicked and fled.
The Polish Army was made up of soldiers who had formerly served in the various partitioning empires, supported by inexperienced volunteers and recruits.
The Canadian militia consisted of inexperienced volunteers with no more than basic drill training and primarily armed with Enfield rifled muskets comparable to the armaments of the Fenians.
The victory at Jemappes, achieved by inexperienced volunteers over the Austrian regulars, greatly increased the confidence of the revolutionary government in Paris, and encouraged their tendency to aggressive warfare.
That has meant relying on well-meaning but inexperienced volunteers to do everything from office jobs to ushering.
A child's legal representative should not be an inexperienced volunteer, a student or a legal person with a conflict of interests.