In addition to the A&R department's other duties, we also teach and help new, inexperienced managers who bring acts to us.
With such an inexperienced manager, Southampton were tipped by many observers to be relegated from the Premiership in 1997-98.
Some studies suggest that heavily indebted companies might have postponed long-term investments in new technologies and been saddled with inexperienced managers.
The combination of overexcited investors and inexperienced managers is worrying some old-timers in the emerging-markets game.
In fact, he said, inexperienced managers who used Performance Mentor did slightly better than experienced managers who used the software.
Bankruptcies resulted from inexperienced managers who tried to sell products below the cost of production and companies that tried to expand too quickly.
He hired inexperienced managers to oversee construction and made last-minute changes to the design.
With inexperienced managers, many Chinese parks pay top dollar for old theme park equipment.
Many commentators criticized the events as wasteful displays of wealth, poor planning of inexperienced managers, or excuses for binge drinking.
Part of the explanation was the willingness of the company to give a lot of responsibility to young, relatively inexperienced managers.