These regiments consisted mainly, of "Arab farmers from the surrounding region, and although inexperienced fighters they were defending their own fields."
They'd be together; the aging mercenary was a pro, and he'd have kept an inexperienced fighter like Ukewere close to him.
While not inexperienced fighters, the crew was made up of elves who were sailors first and warriors second.
At first, the crew shuns Turok, thinking that he is an inexperienced fighter, untrustworthy, and a liability.
The early acts were just warmups, inexperienced fighters building a reputation while getting the feel of genuine life-and-death combat.
Its politically inexperienced religious fighters, drawn from Islamic schools, have not developed economic policies for lifting the war-ravaged country out of extreme poverty.
He truly was an inexperienced fighter, but even those could be dangerous when fighting for their lives.
Warren joins the X-Men taking the code name Angel, though he proves to be an inexperienced and reluctant fighter.
Moreover, many of these weapons would be near useless in the hands of an inexperienced fighter when compared to a more lethal sword or knife.