Below are some fine options if you want to become aquainted with this wholesome, inexpensive dish.
Thus a simple, inexpensive dish becomes a nearly glorious one.
Stay on the 1st floor for relatively inexpensive dishes.
This is one of many small restaurants around Nánjīng University that cook up inexpensive home-style Chinese dishes.
If most people rarely buy deductible meals, and then order only inexpensive dishes, the average restaurant may not stand to lose much after all.
Each individual must now choose whether to order the expensive or inexpensive dish.
These dishes, though inexpensive at $5 to $7 a serving, proved far more unpleasantly strange than any of the local exotica we tried.
Strategy No.1: find an inexpensive dish at a restaurant you love and go for it; skip the other courses.
Coupled with the state of food prices a number of inexpensive papal dishes is called for.
The first dish, inexpensive and easy to make, is a simple onion and bread soup common to the southwest of France.