But news coverage is inexorably tied to the trajectory of an election's plot line, and ultimately affects results, strategists say.
Reasonableness is inexorably tied to whether government complied with the Warrant Clause, which is predicated on probable cause.
The religion of Egypt was inexorably tied to the leadership of the country, the pharaoh being the leader of both.
But that's the very definition of immutable metadata: it is metadata that is inexorably tied to the data itself.
The history of the gap is inexorably tied to that of Harpers Ferry and the surrounding area.
But in this town you're judged as if your work is somehow tied inexorably to your ability to get those grosses.
But we also put cookbooks in the kitchen because, unlike any of our other books, they are tied inexorably to a single domestic task.
Ranching is an industry inexorably tied to the rhythm of nature.
Since the consulting agreement was inexorably tied to the transfer of business assets from Flood to Prima, it was covered.
The general appears to have convinced the 15,000-man armed forces that their future is inexorably tied to his.