The inexorable trend in portable computers has been smaller, faster, cheaper, more powerful.
Also helping drive computing into the consumer-products realm is the inexorable trend in chip technology.
Another official said today that there was an "inexorable trend" in the Administration toward adopting the looser view and that the principal remaining decision concerned timing.
They, like most bankers and analysts on Wall Street, expected housing prices to continue their inexorable upward trend.
It was a significant victory, but not something that can reverse an inexorable trend.
As a result of these three inexorable trends, companies are on defense.
In every instance, there is an inexorable, irreversible trend toward disorder and an increase in the total amount of information in the world.
He called this surge part of an inexorable trend toward the globalization of markets, which itself had been spurred by technological innovations and deregulation.
In the inexorable trend toward the verbification of nouns, the question asked a generation ago by editors - "Do you really have a source for this?"
The paper also faced the same inexorable demographic trends, compounded by a durable regional recession, that have made New York City a tough go for all newspapers.